Training & Behavior
The ideal relationship between a human and a dog is based upon MUTUAL trust and respect. We believe that all dogs can learn to live peacefully and respectfully with their humans. Using only positive methods, and practice, your dog can become the dog of your dreams!
We focus on beyond the basics, helping average dog owners in South Florida find fun, positive, and exciting things to do with their dogs! Whatever your goals are, we can help you reach them.

Private Training
A new dog, whether it just came from a breeder, the pet store or a shelter, needs time to transition to their new home. Training, using positive reinforcement methods, makes that transition easier for both the dog and his new family. We utilize only proven science based force free methods to solve all your training and behavior issues. From potty training a new puppy to helping your adult dog learn not to jump on you or your guests, to assisting with resource guarding or other behavior issues, we have a solution that will work for you and your dogs. Our private training sessions are customized to each individual dog and owner to make sure you are getting exactly what you and your dog needs to succeed. Contact us today at bluegracetraining@gmail.com or 954-326-0796 to schedule your private training session.

Virtual Private Training
Sometimes, physical training sessions are just not possible. BlueGrace is now offering virtual training sessions via Video Conferencing. You will be able to participate and get feedback from your trainer. We utilize only proven science based force free methods to solve all your training and behavior issues. From potty training a new puppy to helping your adult dog learn not to jump on you or your guests, to assisting with resource guarding or other behavior issues, we have a solution that will work for you and your dogs. Our virtual private training sessions are customized to each individual dog and owner to make sure you are getting exactly what you and your dog needs to succeed. Contact us today at bluegracetraining@gmail.com or 954-326-0796 to schedule your private training session.

Virtual Group Training
We offer group training classes via Video Conferencing. We offer Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Obedience classes, Puppy classes, Tricks classes, Rally Obedience, Agility and K9 Fitness classes and Therapy Dog Training. Our group classes are typically 4, 5 or 6 week classes depending upon the class. We also periodically offer life skills workshops, such as Loose Leash Walking or Come When Called, as well as Dog About Town classes. Contact us at bluegracetraining@gmail.com or 954-326-0796 for more information, start dates, times and cost.

Holistic Pet Care
So many people are looking for guidance when wanting to follow a more holistic lifestyle for their pets. We can help. From incorporating supplements to focusing on nutrition, we can guide you through the unmanageable sea of information found on the internet Contact us at bluegracetraining@gmail.com or 954-326-0796 for more information, or to schedule your holistic care consultation.
Special Programs
Bringing up to date information about dog training & behavior to the public is important to us at BlueGrace Training & Behavior. Contact us today if you'd like to schedule a Dogs 101 program for your group or organization. We offer free or reduced cost programs for rescue groups and 503c organizations. We also offer programs on positive reinforcement training for veterinarians and their staff. Email us at bluegracetraining@gmail.com for more information or to schedule a presentation.

Contact BlueGrace Training & Behavior TODAY to find out more information about any of our programs or to schedule your first session!